SJP cannot give independent advice as they are not independent, but instead operate from a small selection of funds they have chosen to be the ‘better’ funds.
As a ‘non independent’ they won’t charge a fee and therefore will only be paid if you invest with them. This assumes you should be invested, rather than receiving advice which you pay for, which may lead you away from investing in the first place.
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By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment, Long Term Care, Mortgage, Pension
It is still too early to fully understand the human cost, even before we begin to consider the economic costs.
But to give some sense of the scale of the impact, it has been estimated that insured losses alone will top $90bn, and that doesn't even begin to cover the lost production and capacity.
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Investing - like crossing the road
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment, Long Term Care
If the average family in the UK was earning £1,908.20 in 1951 they would be earning double their annual household spending and be able to save. If they were earning £1,908.20 in 2017, they would be falling short by £25,593.00 and unable to stay alive never mind save.
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By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment
Investors appear to have grown used to Trump's overactive and unpredictable mouth and seem to be focusing on the real risks including discussions over the debt ceiling.
If Congress fail to agree to raise the cap on how much the government can borrow the US would be unable to borrow more money to pay its bills, which could lead to a credit rating downgrade for the US.
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Korea, China and Stock Markets
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment, Long Term Care, Mortgage, Pension
As mentioned last week the South Korean economy would be hammered, and it accounts for 2% of the worlds economy. The war on Syria has cost them 60% of its economy (GDP). The last Korean War cost South Korea 80% of its economy (and 1.2m lives).
This will be a U.S led war on foreign land so consider that in 1952 the U.S government was spending 4.2% of its own economy fighting that war and the Iraq War cost U.S. (actually its tax payer) 5% of a year's economy.
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Although this has been a particularly awful week, Thursday's attack in Spain, of which the full details are still unknown as we're writing this, isn't the only outrage to hit the headlines.
At the start of the week another person was killed in similar fashion when a car rammed anti-fascist protesters at a Nazi rally in Virginia.