UK house prices fell for the third month in a row in May, according to Nationwide, the first time this has happened since the financial crisis.
While Nationwide do not break down their index by region, other recent surveys have found that London in particular has seen falling prices, with that region seeing waves of new build property come to market.
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Our REAL spending power is falling
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Investment, Pension
The FT announced recently that the value of wages over the next ten years is expected to be the worst for more than 200 years in terms of pay packets, with the average UK worker still likely to earn less in 2021 in real terms than they did in 2008.
The theory is that you should sell your stocks and shares in May and then repurchase again at the end of the period as brokers aren’t trading and as such stock markets underperform during this time.
This, could of course make sense, as less trading volume would impact the value of your share portfolio/pensions and investments, and of course, if the crowds sold in May, there are more sellers than buyers which would drive prices down, and the reverse becomes true in September.
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By Worldwide Financial Planning
Investment, Pension
Brazilian President Michel Temer is being threatened with impeachment after recordings surfaced allegedly showing his involvement in corrupt payments to an already jailed former speaker of the parliament.
The MSCI Brazil was up 15% for the year on Tuesday, it is now down 4.5%.
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Frexit gone, Italexit a real threat to your investments?
Avoiding a Le Penn victory avoids a referendum on leaving the EU in France and of course the potential for a collapse in both the Euro and EU, given France’s colossal part in the alliance. This could have created a massive stock market alarm and inevitable crash. And so the potential contagion for a knock on domino effect has backfired with both France and the Netherlands remaining upright.