Finally, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) can offer those of a certain age some official hope that there is a mortgage life beyond the age of 65!
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Protect us from Charity
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Trust is the key to any relationship, whether family, friend or financial. Betrayal of trust is bad at any time, and especially if it hits you hard in the pocket as well as in the heart.
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WWFP Weekly Market Commentary 15 02 16
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment
Expert analysis and comment on the markets this week.
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The Ageing Process
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning
The deadline for tax self-assessment for 2014-15 has passed.
You are either breathing a hefty sigh of relief, or preparing to pay a £100 fine or just glad that self-assessment requirement has not reached you yet.
For many the most galling aspect of this year’s task, as well as the increased number of pages and requests for information, was the rumpus over Google’s UK tax bill.
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WWFP Weekly Market Commentary 08 02 16
By Worldwide Financial Planning
Financial Planning, Investment
Expert analysis and comment on the markets this week.